and lastly, dinner at JBR celebrating earth hour!

i'm just sooo happy i manage to capture this shot of roy SMILING!!!

a profile of chris and roy

it doesnt look as pack as this compared from below..

overlooking the other side of singapore from above
can u spot the up-coming Marina Bay Sands???

dont u just find this 2 pictures nice??

at orchard central roof top garden


bestie =) <3s!!>

i think we look like thai airways crew coz of celine's position and our standing gesture

making a video for fhh project..NG-ed 3 times..=.=

'get-scolding-by-yr-leader's day'
haha just kidding

alvin coordinates the guys behind, jean and celine goes wild in front.

samual, waikiat, ben, jeanie, celine
'talk-cock' airways's future cabin crew...hahahah!!!

susan, su, liwen, fiona, xiwen, sanny

liuxin, xiangtian, xuewei

veron, celine, yiqi, celia, jeanie, natasha

chris, josh, weiran, roy